In 2020 Rosgeo will complete the geological prospecting for copper and gold in the Malachite ore field in Primorye territory
Vladivostok, Russia, July 8, 2020 - The experts of Primorgeologiya (a branch of Far-East PGA, that is a subsidiary of RosGeo) started to perform the mining operations in the framework of the third and final stage of surveys in Malachitovoye field located in in Pozharsky District of Primorye Territory. The surveys are conducted at the expense of the federal budget under the public contract signed between RosGeo and Department of Mineral Resources in the Far-East Federal District.
- Geophysics
Vladivostok, Russia, July 8, 2020 - The experts of Primorgeologiya (a branch of Far-East PGA, that is a subsidiary of RosGeo) started to perform the mining operations in the framework of the third and final stage of surveys in Malachitovoye field located in in Pozharsky District of Primorye Territory. The surveys are conducted at the expense of the federal budget under the public contract signed between RosGeo and Department of Mineral Resources in the Far-East Federal District.
The surveys in the area of 38 km2began in the III quarter of 2018 and should be finished in the IV quarter of 2020. The third stage of the set of geological prospecting works includes the trenching, arrangement of the appropriate documentation, chip and channel sampling, other types of testing in promising areas in order to delineate the identified mineralized zones and ore bodies, tunneling of pits in hard to reach areas and drilling. All materials collected during the mining operations will be submitted for performance of desktop studies and laboratory tests.
By the end of this year, the experts of Primorgeologiya will elaborate and deliver to the customer a final report summarizing the results of three years of work. It will include a forecast map of Malachitovoye ore field in the scale 1:10 000 for gold-containing copper-porphic ores with identification and delineation of promising ore zones, occurrences and predicted bodies against the geological basis, as well as corresponding maps, diagrams, cross-sections in the scale 1:5 000–1:1 000 and more detailed.
The report will also include graphical applications that substantiate the localization of the forecast copper resources and accompanying components of P1 and P2 categories. The experts will perform the geological and economic assessment of the identified fields along with estimation of the forecast resources on the basis of consolidated, and produce the recommendations for further geological exploration.
Based on the results of the completed surveys the experts of Primorgeologiya speak of the opportunity to discover the copper ore deposits with resources of 1.3 million tons within Malachitovoye ore field.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1,000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
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