RosGeo has evaluated gold, copper and zink resources of the South Podolsk deposit in Bashkiria
Based on the exploratory drilling results, North Caucasus PGO JSC (a subsidiary of Rosgeo) has refined the parameters of the copper-zinc gold ore deposit in the central part of the South Podolsk ore occurrence in the Khaybullinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
- Public contracts
- Drilling
- Gold
- Solid commercial minerals
Based on the exploratory drilling results, North Caucasus PGO JSC (a subsidiary of Rosgeo) has refined the parameters of the copper-zinc gold ore deposit in the central part of the South Podolsk ore occurrence in the Khaybullinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The processing of laboratory-analytical research data has shown that an average thickness of the deposit is 10.6 m, and an approximate size is 720 to 930 m, copper content – 0.92% and zinc content – 2.82%. The obtained parameters helped geologists to perform a preliminary analysis of the Category Р1 resource potential: according to the estimates it is 200 thous. tons of copper and 600 thous tons of zinc.
Earlier in this year, North Caucasus PGO has revealed the gold ore interval with a thickness of 28,2 m with an average gold content of 4.2 g/t. For some individual intervals, the gold content reaches 10 g/t. After the gold ore interval localization, the experts are planning to evaluate the original forecast gold resources in the amount of 28 tons. The gold ore interval of such gold content was discovered for the first time in the 40-year history of exploration of the South Podolsk ore occurrence.
The public contract was made between Rosgeo and Subsoil Use Department for the Volga Federal Region in summer 2018, related to prospecting for copper, zinc and pyritic ore deposits within the South Podolsk area to prepare sites for licensing. During 2018-2019, the exploratory drilling of 6800 m was performed under the contract.
In the future, geologists of North Caucasus PGO will focus on the explorations for the South Podolsk ore occurrence flanks, assessment of the ore bearing, and expansion of the resource potential. According to Rosgeo's experts, the resource potential of the discovered deposit (in the original version) may increase to 280 thous. tons of copper, up to 850 thous. tons of zinc, and up to 36 tons of gold by the end of 2020.
North Caucasus PGO begins its history from the Koltsov expedition formed in 1947 in Essentuki to perform the scope of geological and geophysical works on searching and prospecting for uranium ores in the North Caucasus. North Caucasus PGO amalgamated Koltsovgeologiya, Yuzhgeologiya, Kavkazgeolsyomka, and Sevosgeologorazvedka. The Company is engaged in the geological exploration for solid minerals and water, as well as radioecological works and production of equipment used for geological exploration.
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